Kiwanis Builders Club
In Kiwanis Builders Club our motto, "Building Leaders," is accomplished through community service experiences. We do several service projects during the year such as raising money for the Kiwanis Club's Elimination Project, ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, and reading to our local preschools. We are a part of the Kiwanis family: Builders Club (middle school), Key Club (high school), Circle K (college), and Kiwanis Club (adulthood). For more information about Kiwanis Builders Club see the official website. Watch our Video to see why you should be a member!
Stay up-to-date on club news by following Kiwanis Builders Club of ACMS on FACEBOOK!
Membership is open to any seventh or eighth graders who is interested in helping others. Applicants must not have any discipline referrals and must complete a membership application that includes a teacher recommendation during our membership drive.
Membership dues are $30 and include a club pin, membership certificate, and club t-shirt.
Tonya Simmons